I do quite a bit of research, writing, and consulting on product psychology — the deeper reasons underlying why users do what they do. I also frequently teach and speak on the topic. Invariably, after each talk, someone approaches me and asks, “That was very interesting. Now where do I learn more?”

I’m never sure what to say, since there’s so much great information available. What this person really wants to know (and I’m assuming you do, too) is where all the really good stuff is. They want to know the highlights, the takeaways, and the methods and techniques that can help them be better at their careers, build better products, and ultimately improve people’s lives.

That’s why I’m proud to announce a free course on user behavior called Product Psychology. This free course taps into the collective wisdom of some of the brightest minds in the field to help you better understand user behavior. They’ve taken the time to dig up their favorite articles, videos, and resources to get you up to speed quickly.

Lessons include insights into how to understand what your users really want, how to build for emotional engagement, how to do effective user research, and many other topics. The lessons are curated by several notable psychologists, entrepreneurs, and designers including Michal Levin from Google, Matthew Pearson from Airbnb, Ryan Hoover from Product Hunt, and many others.

If you want to understand the deeper reasons why users do what they do, check out this free course on user behavior:

Sign up for access to the Product Psychology lessons here.