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Motivation is the driving force that propels us toward our goals, helping us overcome obstacles and stay focused. Whether you’re seeking to boost your motivation at work, enhance your personal life, or achieve success, understanding the science and strategies behind motivation is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share top motivational articles for work, life, and success.

Top Articles on Motivation

Here are some of our best motivation articles that offer insights and practical tips to keep you motivated. These pieces blend scientific research, personal anecdotes, and actionable strategies to help you stay on track.

Only People Who Believe in Luck Have It

Only People Who Believe in Luck Have It

Richard Branson will be the first to tell you that he’s generally a lucky person in business and life. An adrenaline junkie, he’s lived through several near-death experiences, including in the early ’70s, when he and his then-wife survived a shipwreck that no other passengers did by jumping off the boat in a storm and swimming to shore. Branson isn’t the only uber-successful person to say that luck was on their side.
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Want to Live Longer? Change Your Mind About Aging

Want to Live Longer? Change Your Mind About Aging

Typing in “longevity” into Amazon reveals over 40,000 books on the topic. Each author purports their own cure, typically involving a special diet, miracle supplement, or painful practice. However, there is one often overlooked factor that studies have found increases lifespan by seven years or more.
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Listening to Fitness Gurus is Making You Fat

Listening to Fitness Gurus is Making You Fat

You could feel the excitement buzzing through the WhatsApp channel. An A-list fitness guru reportedly spending millions of dollars yearly to reverse aging was in town to hold an in-person workout. Without hesitating, I signed up. I was interested in seeing Mr. Guru in action and eager to be inspired by his approach.
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The Ultimate Guide to Unstoppable Motivation

The Ultimate Guide to Unstoppable Motivation

The Pacific Crest Trail is renowned as one of the most arduous—and sometimes dangerous—hiking trails in America. Every summer, thousands of intrepid walkers set off on the trail, beginning in spring and knowing they won’t arrive at the Canadian border until five months later. For most people, this sounds like a hellish feat of endurance. For University of Missouri professor Kennon Sheldon, it sounded like a perfect opportunity for a psychological experiment.
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You Can Have Your Retirement Fantasy Today

You Can Have Your Retirement Fantasy Today

Imagine your retirement. Are you picturing long, lazy days on a tropical beach under coconut trees? Maybe you’ve opted for a life of adventure, traveling to all the places you haven’t been to yet. Perhaps the science fiction novel you’ve always wanted to write is finally pouring out of you. But why should you wait until you retire to pursue those things?
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The Surprising Science of “Manifestation”

The Surprising Science of “Manifestation”

Manifesting is bull. There, I said it. According to Oprah, manifesting is bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief—i.e. if you think it, it will come. It encourages people to bring a goal to life by making vision boards, writing in manifestation journals, chanting positive affirmations, and speaking it into existence.
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Locus of Control: How It Affects Your Life and How To Manage It

Locus of Control: How It Affects Your Life and How To Manage It

My daughter had just pulled the caramel corn out of the oven, and the sticky-sweet smell was almost irresistible. Despite knowing it wasn’t going to help my diet, I was gnawing for a taste. But instead of kindly asking for a small bite, as I should have, I barked, “Damn this caramel corn!”
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Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Humans have an evolutionary need to be challenged—to feel discomfort. We may not enjoy whatever discomfort we expose ourselves to in the moment—be it a physical, mental, or spiritual hardship—but doing so is key to personal growth and even just plain contentment. However, if we’re to take that first step outside of our comfort zone, we have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
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You Don’t Need a Mentor. You Need a Buddy.

You Don’t Need a Mentor. You Need a Buddy.

When you’re struggling to achieve your personal or professional goals, do you ever wish you could speak with a famous mentor? If only you could connect with a super successful business leader like Jeff Bezos or Meg Whitman, then you’d have the answers you’re looking for. Surely they’d point you in the right direction, right?
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Need Motivation? Make a Price Pact

Need Motivation? Make a Price Pact

Probably the only research paper I’ll ever call “delicious” is one called, “A Tale of Two Pizzas.” In the study, researchers offered one group of people plain pizzas, plus the option to add ingredients for an additional charge. To a second group, they offered topping-loaded pizzas, with the chance to remove ingredients and pay less. Same thing, right? Of course, not…
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The Pinky Promise: Stick To It – Or Shed Some Blood

The Pinky Promise: Stick To It – Or Shed Some Blood

A pinky promise is a surefire way to make you do what you say you’ll do. People have a long history of breaking promises, to themselves and to others. For as long as people have been squelching on their commitments, they’ve tried to come up with ways to keep them. Consider the pinky promise.
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Can’t Seem to Stick With Your Commitments? Try Making a Pact.

Can’t Seem to Stick With Your Commitments? Try Making a Pact.

You’ve surely heard the protest chant: “What do we want? “[Insert social change here.]” “When do we want it?” “NOW!” But imagine walking by a protest and hearing this: “What do we want?” “We’re not really sure!” “When do we want it?” “Whenever you get around to it is...

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The Real Reason Why You Sabotage Your Own Goals

The Real Reason Why You Sabotage Your Own Goals

Recently, as I was clearing the dinner table, I asked my daughter if she could wash the dishes. “I was going to, Dad,” she said. “But now that you’ve asked me to, I don’t want to anymore.” I should have known better. This was a classic example of psychological...

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Are You a Wage Slave?

Are You a Wage Slave?

Can we create a future where people no longer have to work at jobs they hate?In 100 years, some things we consider normal today will make people say, “Wow, how barbaric—I can’t believe people did that! How were they okay with that?” Wage slavery, I hope, will be one...

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How to Finally Find the Motivation You’ve Been Missing

How to Finally Find the Motivation You’ve Been Missing

Photo by luca pizzarotti on UnsplashNir’s Note: This guest post was written by Cheryl MaguireThe laundry hamper was overflowing with dirty clothes. Lacking the motivation to throw it into the wash, I pushed the clothes down deeper into the bin so I could fit more...

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The Surprising Benefits of Unconditional Positive Regard

The Surprising Benefits of Unconditional Positive Regard

In 1967, a catchy tune by The Beatles, “All You Need is Love,” became the anthem for the Summer of Love. The Flower Power culture embraced the song and its message, “love is all you need.” If someone had asked humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers what the song meant,...

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Extrinsic Motivation: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices

Extrinsic Motivation: Why You Make Terrible Life Choices

Everyone struggles with dwindling or misplaced motivation from time to time, and I’m no exception. Thankfully, I’ve learned to overcome my penchant for procrastination: getting what I want done, even when I don’t feel like it. Learning the difference between the two kinds of motivation, extrinsic and intrinsic, made all the difference.
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This is What Most People Get Wrong About Willpower

This is What Most People Get Wrong About Willpower

You come home after a long day of work and you immediately curl yourself up on the couch and binge the latest Netflix craze for hours, while you scroll and scroll through your social media feeds and snack on potato chips even though you're "on a diet." You look around...

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How to Achieve Your Goals By Creating an Enemy

How to Achieve Your Goals By Creating an Enemy

DJ Khaled, the one-man internet meme, is known for warning his tens of millions of social media followers about a group of villains he calls “they.” “They don’t want you motivated. They don’t want you inspired,” he blares on camera. “They don’t want you to win,”...

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The Way You Think About Willpower Is Hurting You

The Way You Think About Willpower Is Hurting You

Not so long ago, my after work routine looked like this: After a particularly grueling day, I'd sit on the couch and veg for hours, doing my solo version of "Netflix and chill," which meant keeping company with a cold pint of ice cream. I knew the ice cream, and the...

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The Mind-Hack I Used to Help My Father Lose Weight

When my family immigrated to the United States in 1981, my father weighed 185 pounds. He came chasing the American dream but got more than he expected. Along with a new, more prosperous life for his family, he also acquired some bad habits. For one, he took up smoking...

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Why Your Goals Will Fail, and What You Can Do About It

“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.”- Warren Buffet If you’re like most people, you have a New Year’s resolution in place and you may have even stuck to it so far this year.  Good for you!  Realistically though, you’re...

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What A-Players Do That You Don’t

This post is part 2 of a 3-part series. See part 1 here and part 3 here.What if I told you I know of a guaranteed, foolproof way to get in the best physical shape of your life without strenuous workouts?  How would you like to achieve success at work, without grueling...

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What is Motivation?

Motivation is a complex psychological state that compels us to act toward achieving our goals. It can be broadly categorized into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

    • Intrinsic Motivation: This type of motivation comes from within. It’s driven by personal satisfaction and the inherent enjoyment of the task itself. For example, someone might be intrinsically motivated to learn a new skill because they find it fulfilling and exciting.
    • Extrinsic Motivation: This form of motivation is driven by external rewards such as money, praise, or recognition. For instance, an employee might be extrinsically motivated to complete a project to receive a bonus or a promotion.

Understanding these two types of motivation can help you identify what drives you and how to leverage it effectively to achieve success. By recognizing whether you are motivated by internal satisfaction or external rewards, you can tailor your approach to tasks and goals to maintain high levels of motivation. Combining both types of motivation can also be powerful, ensuring that you stay engaged and driven in various aspects of your life.

Debunking Myths About Motivation

Several misconceptions about motivation can hinder your progress. Let’s debunk some of the most common myths:

    • Myth 1: Motivation is a constant state. In reality, motivation fluctuates. It’s normal to feel highly motivated at times and less motivated at others. The key is to develop strategies to boost your motivation when it wanes.
    • Myth 2: Motivation alone leads to success. While motivation is important, it’s not the sole factor in achieving success. Discipline, planning, and perseverance are equally crucial. Without a solid plan and the discipline to follow through, even the most motivated individuals can struggle to reach their goals.
    • Myth 3: You need to feel motivated to start. Often, the act of starting a task can generate motivation. Once you begin, you may find that motivation follows.

How to Get Motivated?

If you’re struggling to find motivation, here are some effective strategies covered in our articles to help you get started:

    1. Find Your Why: Take time to reflect on your deeper reasons behind your goals. Understanding why your goals matter to you and how they align with the most important values in your life can ignite your intrinsic motivation. Aligning your actions with your values ensures that your efforts are meaningful and fulfilling. For instance, if one of your core values is altruism, focusing on how your goals will enable you to make a positive impact can provide a powerful motivational boost.
    2. Set Clear Goals: To stay motivated and achieve success, it’s essential to define what you want to achieve and break it down into manageable steps. Clear goals provide direction and make it easier to measure progress. Rather than vague aspirations, specify your goals in detail. For example, instead of saying, “I want to get fit,” specify, “I want to run a 5K in three months.” This clarity helps you create an actionable plan and track your progress, keeping you motivated as you see yourself getting closer to your goal. Align your goals with your values to ensure they are meaningful and fulfilling. You can also browse our articles on decision-making to help you hone this skill.
    3. Create a Routine: Establishing a daily routine can help build momentum and reduce reliance on motivation alone. Timeboxing, or scheduling specific time blocks for tasks, ensures you dedicate time to what matters most and enhances consistency. For example, if you schedule a daily 30-minute workout at the same time each day, it becomes part of your routine, and you’re less likely to skip it. Over time, these routines help automate your efforts, reducing the mental energy required to start each task.

How to Stay Motivated for the Long-Run

Maintaining motivation over the long term can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can keep your drive alive and achieve your goals. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated:

    1. Monitor Your Progress: Regularly track your progress toward your goals. This can provide a sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated to continue. You can consider using tools like journals, apps, or charts to visualize your progress and remind you of how far you’ve come.
    2. Stay Flexible: Be open to adjusting your goals and strategies as needed. Flexibility can help you navigate setbacks and stay on course. If you encounter obstacles, reassess your approach and make necessary changes without losing sight of your ultimate objectives.
    3. Surround Yourself with Support: Build a network of supportive friends, family, or colleagues who can encourage you and hold you accountable. These individuals can encourage you and provide valuable feedback. Sharing your goals and progress with these individuals can creates a sense of community and shared purpose, which can significantly enhance your motivation.
    4. Keep Learning: Continuous learning and self-improvement can keep you engaged and motivated. Seek out new knowledge and skills related to your goals. Attend workshops, read books, take courses, or listen to podcasts. The pursuit of knowledge keeps your mind active and helps you stay passionate about your endeavors.
    5. Take Time to Reflect: Regularly take time to reflect on your journey, reassess your goals, and ensure they still align with your values. Reflection helps you stay connected to your purpose and adjust your path as needed. It also allows you to identify what’s working and what’s not, making it easier to make informed decisions about your next steps.

By applying these strategies, you can harness the power of motivation to achieve your goals in work, life, and beyond. Remember, motivation is not a one-time event but a continuous process that requires effort and persistence. Stay committed to your journey, and you’ll find that your persistence pays off in the long run.

Discover more motivational articles for life and motivational articles for success on our blog, and get inspired to take action toward your dreams.